Sunday 3 October 2010

Hello !

Thought I would give blogging a go and share my gorgeous animals ! As you can guess by the title, my main pets are my wonderful gerbils (at the moment I have 17 !) but I am also the proud owner of a syrian hamster called Magners and a pair of guinea pigs called Tia and Maria.

I have breeding gerbils, called Badger (female) and Malibu (white). At this moment in time, they have just had their third litter , which was born early this morning and is eight tiny little 'pink blobs' as my husband Phil calls them. I plan to chart their development on this blog, as well as to post and write about my other gerbils : Smirnoff or Noffy, Kaylee, Simon, River, Kalahari, Sahara and Gobi.

Thanks for reading and visiting.
